Why I love Erotic Romance
With the popularity of books like Fifty Shades of Grey E.L James has brought into the public eye the popularity of erotic romance among women. It seemed like the world was shocked that women not only read it but LOVED it. I have been reading romance since I was 13 and it seemed the hotter it was the more I liked it. I was about 14 when I picked up The Flame and The Flower by Kathleen Woodiwuss.I swear after reading it all the other books I read paled in comparison. Thank goodness my mother had no idea about what I was reading. The hero and hero actually had sex and it was not behind closed doors or fade to black. Another author that I loved is Bertrice Small who wrote the ever popular Skye O'Malley series. What is even more amazing that Bertrice is still writing and just released Francesca in April. But historicals with the exception of a few authors have been a favorite and it seemed all the books with erotic content could be found in historicals. But I still craved...