Title: Damien Series: Slater Brothers Author: L.A. Casey Genre: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult, Romantic Comedy Release Date: March 20 Cover Design: Mayhem Cover Creations What Damien values… …Damien fights for. Alannah Ryan had always suffered in silence, until that silence became so deafening she spilled secrets that she never intended to. At one point in her life, she yearned for adventure, a nail biting journey … something other than the mundane life she led. Her pleas were answered in the form of a tall, handsome heart breaker with a mop of white hair. Alannah’s dreams for an exciting twist in her life were shattered because of a teenage mistake. One that has haunted her for over five years, and left her in pieces. Damien Slater was the reason for every bad thing in the lives of those he loved most. A decision he made when he was just fifteen destroyed his brothers’ lives, and there was nothing he could do to change the things th...