Review: Twilight: Midnight Sunburn - Anna Jones Buttimore


Twilight has enthralled millions of readers around the globe, but Stephenie Meyer never completed Midnight Sun, the story told from Edward's perspective. Midnight Sunburn is a light and reverent parody of that long-anticipated book. It gives a glimpse into what Midnight Sun might have been, with added gentle satire and wry humour. 

Midnight Sunburn shows the unfolding of Edward's fierce love for the mysteriously closed Bella Swan, explains how he overcomes his thirst for her blood, and reveals why he would rather watch her die than transform her into a vampire. 

It also divulges what Edward uses to paint on his abs, explains why he can’t use smartphones, and gives the reader a glimpse of Carlisle and Esme in Wal-Mart. 

Honestly, it was cute. Not as funny as I expected it to be since it is labeled a parody, but humorous nonetheless. At the very least, Edward's inner monologue was entertaining. The occasional typos did get annoying, but there weren't so many that it distracted from the story being told.

Overall, an entertaining, light-hearted read. I probably wouldn't read it again, but it served its purpose at the time, so I don't regret picking it up at all.


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